1 duck breast
1 small egg
2 slices of Parma ham
Breadcrumbs (I made my own by crumbling bread and leaving overnight, or you can grill at short notice)
Fresh chilli & garlic
2 small potatoes
Seasonal vegetables
Oil to fry
I had boiled potatoes, cabbage and broccoli, together with 2 cherry plum totatoes cut in half to serve.
Set the potatoes to boil, this will take 20 mins, after 10 mins:
Break the egg in bowl to start, with your breadcrumbs on a plate.
Into the egg add your seasoning, today was chili & garlic.
Slice the duck breast skin/flesh and dip in the egg, then the breadcrumbs and additions, and fry in oil at max heat for 2 mins a side, to seal it.
Check potatoes.
Reduce heat on the duck breast and start to boil the veg. Turn breast over, and add the Parma ham on top. Leave to heat.
All served at the same time!